Transform contact center quality management from a resource-drain into a performance driver

Cresta’s AI instantly auto-scores every conversation for compliance and performance with precision accuracy. Unlock targeted agent coaching that actually drives results, while dramatically cutting QM costs.

Cresta QM

Evaluate 100%
of interactions

Combine human-in-the-loop evaluation with AI auto-scoring to dramatically cut costs and free up resources to focus on coaching.

Discover what
really matters

Pinpoint and evaluate behavioral best-practices that are proven to drive your mission-critical results, unlocking the true value of QM data.

Redeploy resources
to drive performance

Combine human-in-the-loop evaluation with AI auto-scoring to dramatically cut costs, and let managers focus on coaching—not evaluating.

“With Cresta, we’re able to see if agents are executing the behaviors we know drive success, which is allowing us to coach more effectively and drive improved results. It’s extremely valuable to our business success.”

Associate Vice President, Fortune 500 Bank
Comprehensive QM at a fraction of the cost

Evaluate 100% of interactions for compliance and performance

High-accuracy automated scoring ensures agents adhere to scripts, disclosures, and key behavioral best-practices—and paints a data-rich picture of every agent’s performance—across all of their conversations.

contact center quality management software

Cut costs with efficient hybrid QM

Combining Cresta’s automated scoring with AI-native human-in-the-loop scoring workflows lets leaders maximize efficiency in their quality teams, freeing them to spend less time evaluating conversations, and more time coaching agents.

automated quality management

“Cresta is an incredible platform that has really helped us solve so many challenges. We were completely inefficient and what we’ve found now is we’ve had a 50% reduction in our workload, just within our QA team….and we went from a sampling approach to 100% QA.”

Vice President, Leading FinTech Platform
Use QM to drive agent performance and business intelligence

Pinpoint and evaluate the behavioral best-practices that drive success

Cresta evaluates agent behaviors and correlates them to outcomes on every conversation, painting a clear picture of what really moves the needle for your business like closed sales and resolved cases.

Automate with confidence thanks
to high-accuracy AI scoring

Cresta’s no-code AI rule builder enables detection of business-specific behaviors by training a custom generative model on your real conversation data. This intuitive human-in-the-loop training process lets business leaders build bespoke auto-scored rules that meet the high accuracy standards of enterprise QM.

Use QM to inform coaching,
real-time guidance & business intelligence

Quality scores and data populate across the Cresta platform, empowering teams to create agent-specific coaching plans, real-time guidance and hints, and make data-driven strategic decisions with confidence.

Why Fortune 500 Enterprises Trust Cresta QM

Best-in-class accuracy

Precise tracking of complex utterances and behaviors enables accurate auto-scoring.

Real-time capabilities

Live transcripts and alerts let managers intervene and prevent compliance issues on active conversations.

End-to-end platform

Seamless workflows let leaders use QM data to inform analytics, coaching, and real-time agent guidance.

Why Fortune 500 Enterprises Trust Cresta QM

Large Language Models and the Enterprise: What You Need to Know

Cresta Opera: Create Generative AI Rules for QM

Vivint Reimagines Coaching and QM with Cresta’s Cutting-Edge Generative AI

How Leaders from Holiday Inn and Blue Nile use Cresta