How Cresta and a leading cloud SaaS provider showed you can move offshore while boosting revenue


One of the top global SaaS providers, services to over 700 million users worldwide. Their Business and Consumer Sales team strives to provide excellent customer service to customers with questions about new and existing subscriptions, helping them select the storage package and complimentary products that best meet their needs.


When rising onshore costs catalyzed an initiative to move offshore, they feared moving offshore to cut costs would lead to diminished sales revenue and poor customer experience, not to mention how long it would take to train up a whole new team. With limited sight into customer conversations, their existing QA program couldn’t ensure adherence to proven sales processes. The company looked to Cresta to provide the Real-Time coaching and agent assistance to help them make the move offshore while driving RPC and CST.


Cresta partnered with the SaaS company’s leaders to design agent and manager tools that aligned the team, both onshore and offshore, around their 4-step sales process, using the best practices of onshore agents to coach and provide hints and suggestions to new offshore agents.

Within 3 months of using Cresta Agent Assist offshore, the new team was not only up to speed, but they also beat the onshore team’s records in both Revenue Per Chat and CST. Agent Assist provided tools that guided new agents through call flows with Hints and Suggested Responses modeled off the best onshore agents, making it easy to perform like top agents in no time.

Cresta QM gave managers the ability to grade 100% of conversations in hours instead of days so that they could instantly identify which agents needed coaching on what topics. This allowed a small team of managers to get an entire team of new agents up to speed faster than would be possible with traditional manual QA.

Cresta is designed to boost agent performance, so we were delighted to learn that the agent with the highest Cresta Hint engagement was promoted to Q&E specialist role, reaffirming the significant role Cresta plays in career development.

Maintain Strong Sales Offshore

With Cresta, the company’s new offshore operation exceeded all expectations. Within just 3 months, they were able to increase RPC by 35% as well as boost CST by 6.5%.

“Agents had been struggling to hit their CSAT numbers. Since Cresta, we are regularly hitting our 85% goal.”
– Business Team Lead

Improve Efficiency, Save Money

Cresta Agent Assist got the offshore up to speed in no time through hints, call flows, and suggested responses. In fact, Cresta’s highly intelligent Suggested Responses and Smart Compose is used so much by agents that it saves them each 14.07 Hours of typing time per month.

“Initially I was pretty opposed to Cresta, like I type fast enough as is. But after I started using it I realized it does make me faster and it gives me new ideas of how to respond to the customer”
– Business Agent

Drive Adherence to Sales Process

With Cresta, supervisors not only had the visibility to see which agents were adhering to sales processes for the first time, but also saw a 5x increase in adherence after 3 months of Cresta’s helpful hints and call flows.

“With one of our weaker agents, not only have we seen a drastic improvement in his QA scores, his ARR has increased significantly as well. Cresta continues to drive ARR, as we already are over 90% of our monthly goal.”
– Team Lead

See Cresta in action